
Course Description

This intensive, nationally acclaimed program is designed for beginning as well as advanced legal workers. Students will be trained to interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, prepare legal documents, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation. The instruction is practice-oriented and relates to those areas of law in which paralegals are in most demand.

"Legal Terminology, Documents, Ethics, and the Litigation Process": This session focuses on the history of American jurisprudence, the theory of law, the legal process, and the nature of litigation. Discussion will cover pre-trial, trial and post-trial procedures as well as an in depth coverage of legal ethics. At the end of the first session of class, students will know how to prepare a Complaint/Petition, Answer, Third Party Complaint/Petition, and Motion for Summary Judgment.

"Introduction to the Evidentiary Predicate": This session covers the rules of evidence and civil procedure. Basic interviewing and investigation techniques and the development and use of demonstrative evidence will also be explained. At the end of the second session of class, students will prepare discovery matter such as Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents.

"Identifying Relevant Authority": During this session, students will learn how to identify relevant law, determine the differences between primary and secondary authority, and between mandatory and persuasive authority, and learn how to find and apply authority to hypothetical factual situations.

"Introduction to Legal Research": Students will learn research techniques for use in legal memoranda, motions, and briefs. Primary and secondary source materials will be discussed, and a concise approach to legal research will be developed.

"Legal Research Practice": Legal research skills will be applied this session with emphasis on shepardizing statutes and case law and learning to use computerized legal research terminals. Numerous research assignments will be given, discussed, and critiqued. The West Key Number System® will be learned thoroughly.

"Legal Writing and Appellate Procedure": This session will concentrate on the preparation and critique of legal memoranda, including an Interoffice Memorandum of Law and Appellate Brief. Principles of appellate procedure will also be reviewed. Proper citation format will be covered along with a discussion of job hunting techniques and job leads for those seeking their first employment as paralegals.

Non-credit training programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective face-to-face and web-based learning programs. Instructors/course mentors are actively involved in your learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. The training programs offered through Workforce Development are not part of academic degree programs.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Paralegal Certificate Course
Language of Delivery
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $1,995.00
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes
Registration is for online access to a self-paced course through the educational partner CLS by BARBRI.  Course information will be emailed separately within 3 days of registration. 
Section Title
Paralegal Certificate Course
Language of Delivery
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $1,995.00
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes
Registration is for online access to a self-paced course through the educational partner CLS by BARBRI.  Course information will be emailed separately within 3 - 5 business days of registration. 
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