
Course Description

Employment law is a branch of contract law that deals with relationships between employers and employees. This course will cover statutes such as the National Labor Relations Act, the Railway Labor Act, and other various statutes dealing with public employees.

Topics to be included are master and servant, wages and hours, antidiscrimination in employment and minimum wages and maximum hours, as well as regulation of working conditions.

The Center for Legal Studies is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.

Non-credit training programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective face-to-face and web-based learning programs. Instructors/course mentors are actively involved in your learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. The training programs offered through Workforce Development are not part of academic degree programs.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Employment Law Certificate Course
Language of Delivery
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $1,095.00
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes
Registration is for online access to a self-paced course through the educational partner CLS by BARBRI.  Course information will be emailed separately within 3 business days of registration. 
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