
Course Description

ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is geared to all professionals who are focused on “interest-based bargaining.” Participants will review the growth and application of settlement options in the United States. The course focuses on both traditional and non-traditional dispute resolution options. Participants will learn negotiation skills and how to select the most cost-effective and least intrusive ADR method to achieve the most positive result for both parties. Students will understand the processes and methods of ADR techniques; learn the proper application and limits of ADR techniques; appreciate the ethical considerations involved in ADR; and develop a basic ability to apply ADR methods.

This course takes the mystery out of settlement processes and focuses on reaching reasonable solutions. Specific attention will be given to Mediation, Arbitration, Summary Jury Trials, Mini-Trials and Moderated Settlement Conferences. Successful graduates of this non-credit course will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

Topics of Study:

  • Introduction, History and Origin of ADR. 
  • Techniques for ADR including Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation and the Role of the Mediator.
  • Business Disputes, Settlement Issues in the Business Sector, Employment Disputes and Employer/Employee Relationships.

Participants will be expected to complete reading and homework assignments and will choose or be assigned project reports that deal with ADR topics. Independent project development is encouraged. Final projects will be presented for critique to The Center for Legal Studies as a prerequisite of course completion.

Non-credit training programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective face-to-face and web-based learning programs. Instructors/course mentors are actively involved in your learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. The training programs offered through Workforce Development are not part of academic degree programs.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation) Course
Language of Delivery
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $1,095.00
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes
Registration is for online access to a self-paced course through the educational partner CLS by BARBRI.  Course information will be emailed separately within 3 - 5 business days of registration. 
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