
Course Description

Employers and individuals consistently voice concern about a lack of professionalism in business writing.  Participants in this workshop will learn a process to minimize errors, protect employer brand and enhance their own professional reputation. 

Most employees have responsibility for some amount of writing, even it it is not spelled out in their job descriptions.  Unfortunately, busy schedules and a lack of confidence can result in procrastination, missed deadlines, and unprofessional outcomes. 

Participants in this workshop will learn strategies to:

  • create a pattern for sound content
  • follow a step-by-step model to save time while keeping content organized
  • overcome writer's block

Audiences: Anyone who writes and reviews content intended for clients, donors, employees, managers, and other audiences. 

Non-credit training programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective face-to-face and web-based learning programs. Instructors/course mentors are actively involved in your learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. The training programs offered through Workforce Development are not part of academic degree programs.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Achieve Professional Communications: Style, Edit, and Proof
Language of Delivery
Online, fixed date
9:00AM to 11:00AM
Oct 16, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Online
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $189.00
Drop Request Deadline
Oct 13, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
Oct 13, 2024
Section Notes
This training is Instructor-led; online. 
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